In May we invited our community into a conversation about the past, present, and future of Watershed.
We described the journey of our church through the pandemic, detailed our present financial realities,
and invited you to join us in both dreaming about and investing in our future.

Now, at the start of of 2024,
we'd like to invite you back into this conversation…

to express our gratitude, to celebrate stories of hope, and to dream further about the work we believe our community is being called to do.

to express our gratitude, to celebrate stories of hope, and to dream further about the work we believe our community is being called to do.

Join us as we honor what was, celebrate what is, and conspire together about what could be
Join us as we embrace possibility. Join us as we continue “Nevertheless.”

During our November campaign update,

we outlined four qualities of a committed stakeholder:

  • Participate in Community

    As regional collectives return in 2024 on a quarterly basis, sign up to attend. As book clubs, blocs, Liberation and Reclamation return, get connected and grow.

  • Participate with Time & Energy

    Model and mirror the commitment and passion to serve or volunteer on a regular basis in Watershed as “your” community. 

  • Invest & Invite

    Watershed has the opportunity to be really good news for so many. As a way of investing in those you know or care for, invite someone to experience what’s happening here?

  • Embody Generosity

An embodied spirit of financial generosity animated Watershed into the now. Stakeholders model or mirror this same commitment or fervency.

Current Campaign Status

While Watershed has experienced unprecedented growth in the last year, there remains a financial gap moving into 2024.

To address this gap, our current need is for recurring giving to increase (compound) $600 each month through the end of 2024.

Have a question? Email Matt O’Neil at