Liberation Partners

As one of our guiding pathways, liberation is foundational to Watershed's work near and far. And as we’ve outlined in the way we define liberation at Watershed, our trajectory is guided by the legacy and leadership of those who are ahead of us and running alongside us in this work. Watershed’s liberation partnerships exist to deepen our bonds of solidarity with individuals and organizations whose own work we want to elevate, whose wisdom we continue to learn from, and whose solidarity with our own mission we seek to strengthen.

  • Tommy is a staple of our community whose influence is apparent in so many of Watershed’s recent evolutions. As Tommy’s own work and ministry transitions to lean into their budding pastoral gifts, a consistent support of Tommy’s platform serves as an act of gratitude towards their contributions to Watershed’s story thus far while also inviting them into the new iterations our community conspires towards in the years to come. Tommy has recently dreamed up a compelling platform for mutual aid designed to work in conjunction with their pastoral and consulting work. By supporting Tommy on a consistent basis, we better equip them to make this integration a reality and position Watershed to both contribute to and benefit from a budding network of mutual aid. 

Spiritual Director
Community Partner

Tommy Allgood

  • In the short time that Watershed has known her, Bishop Rawls has marked our community by her profound teaching and her gratuitous grace. In recognition of the ongoing wisdom she imparts to us when she shares our stage and in support of the crucial work she continues to do in our city, both through her church and through her non-profit, this gift provides a consistent vote of confidence towards one of Charlotte’s greatest gifts. This financial commitment does not serve as the end point of our relationship with Bishop Rawls but instead offers a firmer foundation upon which we could continue to conspire together and learn from her wisdom in the future. 

Sister Church
Community Partner

Bishop Tonyia Rawls

  • Not only is Thanglal our longest running partnership, but he has incredibly continued to evolve with our community in ways and means appropriate to his context in India. Perhaps better than any talk or bloc experience could communicate, Thanglal’s work truly embodies our value of reclamation, translating the liberating and transformative movement of God in ever-new ways intelligible to his context. Our monthly/annual support of Thanglal’s ministry does not preclude above-and-beyond campaigns on his behalf but gives him a consistent base of funding to help plan/budget around.

International Partner

Thanglal Haokip

Launchpad Partners

  • If Launchpad Partners didn’t exist, someone would have to invent it. Said another way, Launchpad is exactly the organization so many of us needed years ago when our inherited faith began to fall apart but we lacked the network and resources to navigate those seismic shifts with confidence and purpose. Launchpad exists to equip and empower new and existing church leaders to cultivate more just, generous, affirming, and inclusive faith communities, the very sort of community Watershed strives to become. Under the guidance of our friends Jennifer Fisher and Aaron Bailey, Launchpad has grown from a dream to a present reality with over a dozen current coaching clients - both individual and organizational - with new inquiries arriving almost daily. In supporting their work we are affirming our own position as a leader and forebearer in this movement and providing ground-level stability for the long road of liberation ahead. 

National Partner